Absence Reporting
Procedures for Reporting Absences
Procedures for Reporting Absences
Procedures for Reporting Absences
Please review our procedures for reporting absences below. This will assist us in providing efficient and accurate service for our employees and students.
1. Reporting Absences
- How to Report: Employees must report absences before their workday starts by:
- Phone: Calling 1-800-942-3767
- Online: Visiting https://www.aesoponline.com
- If You Can't Access the System: Contact Human Resources at:
- Phone: (530) 668-3727
- Email: hr.team@ycoe.org
- Important Note: Do not call other HR desk extensions to avoid delays in processing absences.
- Requirement: Employees must report all absences, regardless of whether a substitute is needed.
2. Late Arrival Notification
- Notify Your Supervisor: If arriving late, employees must inform their supervisor of the reason before or by their scheduled start time.
- Reporting in Frontline: The absence must also be recorded in the Frontline System.
- If You Can't Notify Your Supervisor: Employees must contact Human Resources before their start time.
3. Leaving Work Early
- Notify Your Supervisor: Employees must inform their supervisor of the need to leave early and specify the type of leave.
- Frontline Reporting: It is the employee’s responsibility to report the absence in Frontline. Request for assistance, if necessary.
- For Instructional Staff: Ensure that coverage is arranged with your supervisor before leaving the site.
4. Leave Requirements
- Refer to the respective Collective Bargaining Agreements: Different types of leave have specific requirements. Employees should review their collective bargaining agreement available on the Human Resources Department website for detailed information and reach out to hr.team@ycoe.org for further information or clarification.
We thank you in advance for your assistance. If you have any questions about these procedures or other absence reporting concerns, please do not hesitate to send an email to hr.team@ycoe.org.