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Yolo California Indian Curriculum & Professional Learning



Wintun Patwin Homelands Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) for Elementary Teachers, July 30-August 2: YCOE is excited to partner with Yocha Dehe, Woodland JUSD, Save California 
Salmon, the Cache Creek Conservancy, the California History Social Science Project and the Sacramento Area Science Project on this exciting opportunity for 3rd and 4th grade educators in Yolo County. See flyer for more information. There will be future offerings so please fill out the interest form and we will keep you posted. 
More Summer Learning Opportunities:  Consider attending one of the offerings listed under Events or exploring the Resources which include background knowledge building for educators as well as lessons that have been vetted by California Indian tribal communities. 
Tule Fun Days at Cache Creek Conservancy: Native Traditions and Waterways Stewardship: Hands-on learning workshops at the Tending and Gathering Garden with Christina Almendariz. Classes are the 3rd Sunday of the month through September from 9 am - 1 pm. Registration is limited to 25 participants for each session. Preference given to youth groups and Native American communities. More information at link here.
Consider attending one of the offerings listed under Upcoming Events to the right or exploring the Resources below those which include background knowledge building for educators as well as lessons that have been vetted by California Indian tribal communities.

Celebrating the publication of the Wintun/Patwin Homeland Educational Guide at the Cache Creek Nature Preserve. Thanks to Araceli Moreno, Save Our Salmon and the members of the Tending and Gathering Garden Steering Committee for creating this amazing resource which will be shared at the summer institute and future workshops.

Celebrating the publication of the Wintun/Patwin Homeland Educational Guide at the Cache Creek Nature Preserve. Thanks to Araceli Moreno, Save Our Salmon and the members of the Tending and Gathering Garden Steering Committee for creating this amazing resource which will be shared at the summer institute and future workshops. 
For previous news please view the news archive under the Resources tab.




In November 2019, the Yolo County Board of Education passed Resolution #19-20/16 to officially recognize November as Native American Heritage Month. The resolution led to conversations between YCOE and tribal leaders about how to recognize the contributions of Native Americans through curriculum and activities in Yolo County schools.
In November 2020, YCOE convened the Yolo California Indian Curriculum and Professional Learning Advisory Group. Members of the advisory group include tribal leaders, cultural practitioners and educators, parent representatives, college and university faculty, and graduate students.

The focus of the group is to "provide Yolo County educators with professional development opportunities regarding cultural awareness of Wintun/Patwin homeland history and California Native peoples. Implementation of our work will support relevant and accurate curriculum, identify ongoing impacts of colonization and uplift the diverse histories, cultures, and ongoing contributions of California's first peoples".


July 23, 10-11:30 AM PDT, virtual: California History Before and After the Gold Rush, Khal Schneider
July 24, 10-11:30 AM PDT, virtual: 
Teaching the Impact of the Gold Rush on Native Americans in California: A Source Investigation, Taylor Pennewell
July 27, 11 AM - 8 PM & July 28th 11 Am- 5 PM, Summer BigTime - Powwow. Tankgi Kamu Ki Ku at Solano Community College.
July 30-August 2, 8:30-3:30: Wintun/Patwin Homeland TEK for Elementary Teachers (Grades 3-4)
August 1, 9 am - 3 pm: , Graton Rancheria, Rohnert Park, Teaching the Impact of the Gold Rush on Native Americans in California: A Source Investigation
(4th-12th grade educators)
 August 2, 10-12, via Zoom: Amplifying Native Voices in the Classroom:  Native Perspectives, Everyday
August 6, 10-12:30 via Zoom: Redbud Resource Group: Going Beyond Land Acknowledgements



The advisory group worked with Taylor Pennewell, Redbud Resource Group to develop and host a virtual workshop for Yolo County educators and community members on September 20, 2021. The recording of the session is available:  
You will be asked to “register” to watch the on-demand recording.
Coordinator, Language and Literacy
Administrative Secretary