Visually Impaired
Vision Services
Yolo County provides vision services to students from birth to age twenty-two who have been identified as blind or visually impaired. Services are provided per the student's Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) for children under three years of age and through the students' Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for students aged three and older. The Vision Program provides specialized services by Teachers of the Visually Impaired and Orientation & Mobility Specialists. A wide range of assistive technology devices and low vision aids are available to meet individual student needs. Services may begin at birth through the First Steps Parent Infant -Toddler Program where intervention is provided within the natural environment with direct parent involvement. When a child turns three years of age, itinerant services are provided at the child's public school. Transcription of teacher-made instructional and curriculum material is produced in large print and Braille by Transcribers and/or Para-educators for the Vision program. Orientation & Mobility is provided for students requiring this specialized instruction in order to access their environment.
Vision services may include:
- Adaptations in curriculum, media, and the environment as well as instruction in special skills (Braille, orientation, and mobility)
- Consultative services to pupils, parents, teachers, and other school personnel
The vision program assists your child in developing strategies to compensate for his/her visual impairment. The program encourages independence and the development of a positive self-concept.
Parents are encouraged to:
- Have current eye reports and follow visual recommendations.
- Keep eyeglasses and visual equipment in good working condition.
- Look at your child first and his/her visual needs secondly.
- Understand his/her strengths and weaknesses.
- Stay in contact with the teacher(s) and know what they are doing.
- Encourage your child to discuss his/her visual needs.
- Seek counseling, if necessary.