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Regular Policy Council meetings are scheduled for the fourth Thursday of the month from 9:30-10:30 am.
  • July 27, 2023
  • August 24, 2023
  • September 28, 2023
  • October 26, 2023
  • November 17, 2022
  • No December Meeting
  • January 26, 2023
  • February 23, 2023
  • March 23, 2023
  • April 26, 2023
  • May 25, 2023
  • June 29, 2023
To confirm the meeting date/time/location, contact the YCOE Head Start Administrative Office at (530) 668-3001. If you would like more information about joining Policy Council, email Vanessa Lopez at
There are a variety of ways parents/guardians can participate in influencing the policies and daily operations of the Yolo County Office of Education Child Development programs. The sense of community within the Child Development Program s occurs on many levels, including representation and attendance on the following: 
Parent Committees:  All parents/guardians of enrolled children are automatically members of a Parent Committee. Parent Committee meetings are to be held monthly at each center. The meetings are conducted exclusively FOR PARENTS, BY PARENTS. The function of the parent committee is to act as an advisory to the staff regarding projects/activities of interest to families, to participate in discussions at the center level, and to influence the operation of the Program within the Policy Council (Policy Council also acts as the Parent Advisory Committee) through representation. In September, centers and home base options will elect a representative and alternate to the Policy Council (PC). Each voting member will have one vote. 
The Center Representative will report center recommendations to the Policy Council and will report Policy Council decisions back to the Parent Committee.


Our programs are required to have parent representation on a large committee. The Policy Council is the large committee in part responsible for the communication between the YCOE Child Development Programs and the parent constituents. The Policy Council (operating also as a Parent Advisory Committee with representation from our State-funded programs) consists of representation from our varied programs.  The Head Start Performance Standards and the California Department of Education Child Development Division set the Policy Council requirements. The Policy Council is inclusive of three types of members: parents (or guardians) of children currently enrolled in the Early Head Start/Head Start program (Parent Representatives), parents (or guardians) of children currently enrolled in the child development preschool programs (Parent Representatives), and interested community members (Community Representatives). Standing agendas will be inclusive of all programs so that an update will be shared with all equal parties.
Parent Representatives are elected through Parent Committees formed at the classroom level or by direct vote by parents of children receiving home-based services. Each Parent Representative has an alternate who attends Policy Council if the Representative is absent from a Policy Council meeting, and will become the Parent Representative if the position for which s/he is an alternate becomes vacant.  Community Representatives are individuals from the local area who have indicated to the program that they have an interest in the needs of children and families. Community Representatives are voted to the Policy Council by the parent representatives. Community Representatives do not have alternates. At least 51% of the membership of every Policy Council must be made up of parents or guardians of children currently enrolled in the program.   
Policy Council meetings are public meetings. They run according to guidelines described in Robert's Rules of Order and a law known as the “Ralph M. Brown Act”. 
Vanessa Lopez      
Administrative Secretary 