Counselor Corner

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” - Nelson Mandela
If there are questions about classes, grades, transcripts, etc. please contact Candi Martinez, Administrative Secretary.
Additional Information
Additional Information
AB 104
AB 104 allows for students who did not demonstrate satisfactory academic progress during the 2020-2021 school year to seek various supports.
Forms referenced below are available at the bottom of the chart.
Grade Level in 2020-2021
AB 104 Support Available
Kindergarten - 11th grade
Students in grades K-11 during the 2020-2021 school year with unsatisfactory letter grades (D or F) may request to have a consultation meeting to discuss being retained in the previous grade level by completing the AB104 Request Form. When this form is submitted to your school site, the school will schedule a meeting to occur within 30 days to discuss your request and next steps. Please understand that a consultation meeting to discuss retention will not guarantee that your student will be retained. (BP 5123).
Grades K-12
Students in grades K-12 in the 2020-21 school year who received a D or F in at least half of their classes/subjects may request to have one or more of their letter grades converted to Pass/No Pass. For middle and high school: Please understand that this change will not affect the student’s GPA and also that some universities may not accept a grade of “Pass” or “No Pass” (a list of institutions honoring pass/no pass grades is linked here). If requesting this option, please include a copy of the Grade Change Form along with the AB 104 Request Form. The transcript will be changed within 15 days of accurate completion of the required forms.
Grades 11 and 12
If the student was in the 11th or 12th grade in the 2020-2021 school year and failed to meet one or more classes needed to meet high school graduation requirements, and either did not graduate or is not on-track to graduate, the student may request to reduce the graduation requirements to the State minimum requirements for graduation. I understand that I may not be eligible to attend a 4-year university directly after high school and may first need to attend a community college.
Grades 11 and 12
If a student was in the 11th or 12th grade in the 2020-2021 school year and is not on track to graduate from high school in four years, the following two provisions apply. We will be contacting all students who fall into this situation.
1) The student shall be held exempt from high school graduation requirements that are in addition to the statewide coursework requirements.
2) The student shall be provided the opportunity to complete the statewide coursework required for graduation (Ed Code 51225.3) which may include, but is not limited to, the completion of coursework through a 5th year of instruction, credit recovery, or other opportunity to complete the required coursework. ** Note: Students who complete the statewide coursework requirements and no additional requirements may not be eligible to attend a 4-year university directly after high school.