CCCS Outdoor Learning & ECE Expansion - REBID
Notice is hereby given that Yolo County Office of Education will accept sealed bids at the County Office, located at 1280 Santa Anita Ct, Suite 180, Woodland, CA 95776, on or before 2:00 pm, local time on March 4th, 2024, and will not be accepted if past 2:00 PM March 2nd, 2024. All bidders will be contacted within 7 days of the bid deadline with bid results at which time they will be opened at 2:15 pm local time for furnishing all labor, materials, and services for (CCCS Addition Outdoor Learning& ECE Expansion Project
The Ceaser Chavez Outdoor Learning Project (24-CCCS-CC) consists of: Portable classroom placement, play area, ADA access, and classroom remodel. (255 West Beamer Street, Woodland CA 95695)
Copies of the bid documents may be obtained by downloading from the Yolo County Office of Education's website.
The deadline for application submission to Quality Bidders is Feb. 19th, 2024.
For further Inquiries please use
Project Plans & Construction Specs
Project Plans & Construction Specs
Bid Results