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Yolo County Office of Education

Yolo County Office of Education

Information & Technology Services

Welcome to the Information & Technology Services (ITS) webpage. In addition to the services listed below, the department is actively involved in researching and implementing new technologies for our specialized programs as they become important to the students, parents, teachers, and administrators in our district. We also offer educational services to the districts for our financial student systems.  Check and sign up for current training opportunities below. 
  • Network assistance, planning, and management
  • Computer hardware and software support
  • Data processing production support
  • Systems and programming support
  • User training and documentation
  • Administrative applications
  • Equipment maintenance


Broadband Updates

The California Department of Technology’s (CDT) Broadband Update provides the latest information on the implementation of the State’s Broadband Action Plan, Middle-Mile Broadband Initiative (MMBI), and other digital equity and inclusion activities which are collectively known as Broadband for All.  

Broadband for All - California Broadband Council Meeting

California Broadband Council meeting took place on Wednesday, July 26, 2023. The California Department of Technology, California Public Utilities Commission, and California Emerging Technology Fund provided updates on the significant progress on the Broadband for All Action Plan implementation, Middle and Last-Mile programs, the Statewide Affordable Connectivity program mobilization effort, and the State Digital Equity and BEAD planning process.
The meeting recording, transcript, and presentation can be found here upon remediation for accessibility. 
Middle Mile Broadband Initiative Update
Building California's Middle-Mile Network: A Phased Approach
The ambitious California Middle-Mile Broadband Initiative (MMBI) aims to deliver open access, high-speed, and affordable broadband to all communities in the state. However, due to its epic scale and complexity, the $3.8 billion initiative has faced challenges. Between 2021 and 2022, the telecom industry experienced significant increases in supply chain costs and labor due to inflation and other factors. As a result, only half of the idealized 10,000-mile network could be constructed with the current budget.
In response, the MMBI team developed a plan that will optimize the network’s reach to serve the maximum number of unserved and underserved Californians. Announced at the July 21, 2023, Middle-Mile Advisory Committee meeting, the plan leverages leasing, joint builds and purchasing and divides the effort into two phases to deliver equitable, high-quality, 288-count fiber across the state.
Phase 1 encompasses 8,300 miles of the statewide network, serving communities in all 58 counties where 570,000 households currently lack high-speed internet access.
Phase 2 will focus on the remaining 1,700 miles to fulfill the Administration’s 10,000-mile network goal to close California’s digital divide. The MMBI team is exploring several funding options that may be used to complete the second phase.
The Middle Mile Advisory Council (MMAC) meeting recording, transcript, and presentation can be found here.
California's Broadband Middle-Mile Network Gets a Boost
The California Department of Technology (CDT) finalized an agreement with Siskiyou Telephone Company (Siskiyou Tel) to construct 163 miles of fiber optic cable as part of California’s statewide Middle-Mile Broadband Initiative. CDT secured a $52 million contract with Siskiyou Tel to build the 163 miles of high-speed, 288-fiber-count optical cable and install the necessary infrastructure. Read more on CDT TechBlog.
Logistics Site Visit
On July 7, 2023, California Government Operations Agency Secretary Amy Tong and CDT Director Liana Bailey-Crimmins (center), Deputy Director Mark Monroe, and Deputy Director Scott Adams, as well as other MMBI staff members, attended a Sacramento meet-and-greet event organized by Graybar Industries, an MMBI logistics provider. A huge inventory of fiber optic conduit, cable and vaults provided a dramatic background for the event.
Last-Mile Program Update
Federal Funding Account
The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) continues to accept applications for the Federal Funding Account, a $2 billion grant program focused on building last-mile broadband internet infrastructure for communities without access to fast and reliable internet service. Applications will be accepted through the CPUC’s Broadband Grant Portal. The deadline to apply is Friday, September 29, 2023, at 4 p.m. The program will award grants for reliable and affordable networks to communities that need it most, particularly low-income and disadvantaged communities facing a growing digital divide. The program encourages Tribal and local government participation and reflects California’s priority of bringing affordable, reliable service to all Californians. More detailed information is available on the CPUC’s Application Resources webpage.
Local Agency Technical Assistance Program Recap
Available funding for the Local Agency Technical Assistance (LATA) program has been exhausted. This program provided $50 million to local and Tribal governments for pre-construction planning for high-speed internet infrastructure. Tribes with additional or ongoing planning needs are encouraged to consider applying for the CPUC’s Tribal Technical Assistance Grant Program, which provides up to $150,000 per Tribe per fiscal year for broadband planning.
CPUC Reviewing CASF Account Applications
The CPUC is reviewing recent applications for the Broadband Adoption Account, which received 91 applications for nearly $15 million for broadband access and digital inclusion, the Broadband Public Housing Account, which received 14 applications to build broadband networks offering free broadband service for residents of low-income communities, and the Infrastructure Grant Account, which received 74 applications for approximately $527 million for middle-mile and last-mile infrastructure. 
Broadband Adoption and Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) Update
California reaches 2,337,591 ACP Household Enrollments
The California Broadband Council, state and local entities continue their commitment to increase affordability and adoption of home internet service by promoting low-cost internet plans and enrollment in the federal Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). This helps low-income households pay for internet service and connected devices like a laptop or tablet.
As a result of these efforts, there are 2,337,591 California households enrolled in the ACP as of July 31, 2023. That is 40% of all ACP-Eligible Households in California.
ACP Tools and Resources
The California Department of Technology, the California Emerging Technology Fund, EveryoneOn, and California State University Chico have developed the following tools to support individuals applying for the ACP, and organizations assisting with outreach, enrollment, and tracking ACP enrollment progress: 

Digital Equity and Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Planning Update

Digital Equity and BEAD Planning has wrapped up a significant portion of the engagement and data acquisition phase. We extend heartfelt thanks to over 50,000 California residents, partners, and stakeholders for their participation and input during this phase. 
Digital Equity Planning Process Update
A detailed report was given at the Statewide Digital Equity Planning Group meeting on July 26. Additionally, the last Tribal Collaboration Working Group took place on July 28. Please find past meetings' video recordings, transcripts, and presentations here.
We are now focusing on analyzing the input from the various planning phase components and developing the draft digital equity plan. Target completion of the draft and public comment period in early Fall. The State Digital Equity Planning landing page will also be updated in the coming weeks to support the next planning phase. 
Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment Program Update
The CPUC released a draft version of California’s high-level BEAD Five-Year Action Plan for comment on July 17th, 2023. As part of BEAD, the CPUC must submit a Five-Year Action Plan to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) establishing California’s needs, priorities, and existing programs for closing the digital divide. Parties in the BEAD proceeding (Rulemaking 23-02-016) may submit opening comments addressing specific questions or suggest edits to the Five-Year Action Plan until August 7, and reply comments are due August 11. The CPUC will submit the final version of the 5-Year Action Plan, along with all comments received, to NTIA later this month and will use the comments to inform the forthcoming Initial Proposal, which will establish detailed program rules according to federal requirements and guidelines.
The CPUC also issued an Assigned Commissioner’s Scoping Memo in the BEAD proceeding establishing the policy issues in the proceeding and an anticipated proceeding timeline. Through the proceeding, the CPUC will seek extensive input on the forthcoming Initial Proposal from stakeholders and members of the public prior to submitting the Initial Proposal to NTIA by the federal deadline of late December 2023.
Finally, the CPUC will be hiring for positions ranging from data management to engagement coordinators in the coming months to support implementation of BEAD. Keep an eye on the CPUC job postings on CalCareers for more information and to apply for open positions once they are posted.
Upcoming Meetings
Date and Time
Location and Link
Friday, October 20
Middle-Mile Advisory Council Meeting (Hybrid)
In-Person: California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (450 N St, Sacramento, CA 95814)
Zoom link will be available here.
Wednesday, October 25
California Broadband Council Meeting (Hybrid)
In-Person: CoveredCA – Tahoe Board Room (1601 Exposition Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95815)
Zoom link will be available here.
Wednesday, October 25
Statewide Digital Equity Planning Group Meeting (Virtual)
Zoom link will be available here.


Along with the Government Coordinating Council, the federal Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency will be providing tailored assessments and cybersecurity training and exercises for K-12 schools this school year. The Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Guard Bureau are also releasing updated resource guides so state governments and education officials know how to report cybersecurity incidents and can leverage the federal government’s cyber defense capabilities.
Some education technology companies are making commitments to provide free or low-cost cybersecurity training resources to school districts:
  • PowerSchool, a K-12 software provider, will provide free and subsidized “security-as-a-service” courses, training, and resources to all U.S. schools.
  • D2L, a learning platform company, will provide some free resources for cybersecurity training.
  • Cloudflare will offer free cybersecurity solutions to smaller public school districts (those with 2,500 students or less).
  • Amazon Web Services will provide $20 million for a K-12 cyber grant program, free security training for K-12 IT staff, and free cyber incident response assistance.
  • Google released an updated guidebook for schools to ensure the security of their Google hardware and software applications.
The U.S. Department of Education and CISA also released on Aug. 7 the K-12 Digital Infrastructure Brief: Defensible & Resilient, which provides recommendations and best practices for identifying, protecting, detecting, responding, and recovering from cyber threats or attacks. The Education Department also released two other briefs that provide best practices for ensuring schools’ digital infrastructure is “future-proof” and “interoperable.”


Carl Fahle

Director, Information & Technology Services

Jordyn Rodriguez

Admin Services, Administrative Assistant


  • Email:
  • Phone: 530-668-3739

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