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Yolo County Office of Education

Yolo County Office of Education

Superintendent Garth Lewis

Garth Lewis serves as the Yolo County Superintendent of Schools.  He was elected to his first term as the county's 19th superintendent in 2018 and was re-elected to his second term in 2022. He is the first African-American to be elected as county superintendent in Yolo County.
Lewis has served as an educator in Yolo County for 20 years and has a 28-year career in K-12 education. Superintendent Lewis has served as a para-educator, teacher, site and district administrator, and Assistant Superintendent of Instructional Services and Equity at the Yolo County Office of Education.
Lewis represents K-12 public education as an active member of several local, regional, and statewide organizations including
  • First 5 Yolo Children’s and Families Commission
  • Yolo County Childcare Planning Council (LPC)
  • Yolo County Community Corrections Partnership
  • Collaborative for Woodland Youth
  • Head Start Policy Council
  • Youth Gang Reduction and Intervention (YGRIP) Initiative, and
  • Board of Directors for the California Association of African-American Superintendents and Administrators
In 2022, he was named to the Sacramento Bee's list of the 'Top 25 Black Change Makers' in the Sacramento area.
As County Superintendent, Superintendent Lewis supports and provides leadership to approximately 270 employees, which he is certain are the agency’s most valuable resources.  Additionally, his collaborative work supports each of the five school districts and other key agencies that serve youth and families throughout Yolo County. He believes access to a high-quality public education is a significant factor in improving life outcomes for all children, particularly those experiencing poverty.
Mr. Lewis earned Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from California State University, Sacramento. He holds a Multiple Subjects Teaching Credential and a K-12 Administrative Services Credential.
His wife, Maria, is a public school teacher in Yolo County and both of their children attended public schools in Yolo County.
Updated March 9, 2025

Head Start Tour (October 2021)

Congressman Mike Thompson (left) meets with Jeneba Lahai (middle), Executive Director of the Yolo County Children's Alliance and Superintendent Lewis (right) at Alyce Norman Education Center. Superintendent Lewis administers the oath of office to members of the Yolo Youth Commission in January 2023.

Head Start Tour (October 2021)

Superintendent Garth Lewis provided a 'State of Education' to the Rotary Club of Woodland in June 2022

First 5 Press Conference with Local Yolo County Leaders (August 2021)

YCOE Orientation (August 2021)

First 5 Press Conference (August 2021)

United Way Presentation with CEO Stephanie Bray (March 2021)

Cesar Chavez Graduation (June 2021)

Oath of Office Ceremony (January 2019)

Superintendent Lewis with State Superintendent Tony Thurmond

Congressman Mike Thompson (left) meets with Jeneba Lahai (middle), Executive Director of the Yolo County Children's Alliance and Superintendent Lewis (right) at Alyce Norman Education Center. Superintendent Lewis administers the oath of office to members of the Yolo Youth Commission in January 2023.

YCOE Orientation (August 2021)

Superintendent Garth Lewis


The county superintendent is elected by the voters of Yolo County. The superintendent is a state constitutional officer who acts as a go-between for local school districts and the state. The Yolo County Superintendent provides leadership, collaboration, support, and state-designated fiscal and program oversights for the county’s five school districts and approximately 30,000 students.
The position also serves as the chief executive officer of the Yolo County Office of Education, overseeing a $29 million operating budget and employing over 270 employees.